Written by The Likely Voter
September 20, 2023
As the cost of higher education continues to rise, many students are seeking out innovative and alternative pathways to the traditional four-year college degree. Several colleges and universities in Utah have developed programs tailored to the unique financial and career needs of students. To help students and parents of college-age children navigate the changing educational landscape, here are three programs offered here in Utah that could better serve incoming students.
Degree in 3
For students that are seeking the traditional four-year degree while incurring a lighter financial burden, Southern Utah University offers a “Degree in 3” program. Utilizing the open summer blocs as additional semesters, SUU offers every student the opportunity to take courses at the school’s in-state tuition rate. Unlike other variations of Degree in 3 programs, SUU is not offering accelerated courses, but instead giving students two summers to advance in their studies at a normal coursework pace.
Talent Ready Utah
Originally piloted as the Utah Aerospace Pathways program in 2015, Talent Ready Utah provides workforce development programs for recent high school graduates through apprenticeship-style participation. Working in employer-designed programs, students are trained and educated in the specific skills they’ll need to perform in jobs across Utah. The program received state support following a defined need for specific skills in growing industries across Utah.
Technical colleges
Breaking out of the traditional classroom, Utah offers eight different technical colleges. Take for example Tooele Technical College; it offers programs in areas like construction, healthcare and transportation, and it even has a police academy. It offers competency-based education that allows students to move at their own pace. Formatted for students who may not have the means or opportunity to partake in a traditional semester format, Tooele Tech gives students the education and tools they need to become competitive in their given market.
As Utah diversifies its K-12 education programs through choices, it should be highlighted that the state’s colleges and universities are doing likewise. In recent years, four-year college programs have become significantly more expensive, understandably prompting some students to consider the return on investment.
With programs like the three noted above – and more – graduating high school students can confidently and comfortably achieve success with an increasing range of options for post-secondary learning.
For a more in-depth perspective on this article, read our Insights piece here.
Takeaways: the most important things voters need to know. For civically engaged citizens.

- Utah colleges and universities continue to develop diverse ways for students to gain access to a quality education.
- Higher education alternatives are tailored to each student’s needs.
- Utah is leading the way on impactful, quality education and career paths.
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