by Rick B. Larsen | Feb 21, 2020
Expecting traditional outcomes in a world of changing values is insane Written by Rick B. Larsen Originally published in Deseret News. We often remind ourselves, and each other, that to repeatedly do the same thing and expect a different outcome is the...
by Rick B. Larsen | Jan 28, 2020
Sutherland president comments on passage of tax reform repeal Written by Rick B. Larsen Sutherland Institute recognizes the Legislature’s practical and necessary decision to repeal the December tax reform package through passage of HB 185. A balanced...
by Rick B. Larsen | Jan 24, 2020
Sutherland President comments on tax repeal Rick B. Larsen FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: SALT LAKE CITY—Today Sutherland Institute President and CEO Rick Larsen delivered the following statement: Something significant occurred this week. With the referendum effort...
by Rick B. Larsen and Rep. Rob Bishop | Sep 23, 2019
Education — when will we ever learn? Written by Rick B. Larsen Originally published in Deseret News. Education policy debates in Utah almost always turn into full-blown arguments. Given education’s standing as the highest ranked priority for Utahns year after...
by Rick B. Larsen | Sep 17, 2019
Constitution Day Written by Rick B. Larsen Constitution Day means a great deal to me. I am wondering what it means to most Americans. I wonder if its significance has faded like an old photo, or worse. The “worse” that I fear is based on a habit that we...