Rep. Curtis: ‘Our interests are actually aligned’

Rep. Curtis: ‘Our interests are actually aligned’

Rep. Curtis: ‘Our interests are actually aligned’ Written by  “No matter where you are – left or right, conservative or liberal – our interests are actually aligned,” said Rep. John Curtis recently at a Sutherland Institute Congressional Series event. He went on to...
Congress’ history of messing with Supreme Court size

Congress’ history of messing with Supreme Court size

Congress’ history of messing with Supreme Court size Written by William C. Duncan  With some segments of the U.S. angry over the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to return abortion regulation to the states, a possible response has been suggested: expand the court and...
Why Utah’s abortion law is being challenged in court

Why Utah’s abortion law is being challenged in court

Why Utah’s abortion law is being challenged in court Written by William C. Duncan  In a 1977 article in the Harvard Law Review, U.S. Supreme Court Justice William Brennan issued a call to state courts to embrace a new role. During the first decades of Brennan’s...