by Derek Monson | Aug 10, 2022
Tribal contempt is old as human history. Here are three things that can change it Written by Derek Monson Originally published by Deseret News. Not a week passes without the publication of another news story, opinion piece or research study about America’s political...
by Derek Monson | Aug 5, 2022
Rep. Curtis: ‘Our interests are actually aligned’ Written by “No matter where you are – left or right, conservative or liberal – our interests are actually aligned,” said Rep. John Curtis recently at a Sutherland Institute Congressional Series event. He went on to...
by Derek Monson | Jul 29, 2022
Romney proposal underscores importance of public trust in public health Written by Utah Sen. Mitt Romney was in the news this week after proposing legislation to create a new federal public health agency – the Center for Public Health Data (CPHD). The center’s...
by William C. Duncan | Jul 28, 2022
Congress’ history of messing with Supreme Court size Written by William C. Duncan With some segments of the U.S. angry over the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to return abortion regulation to the states, a possible response has been suggested: expand the court and...
by Derek Monson | Jul 15, 2022
Data on trust suggest a need to restore the civic mission of public schools Written by A recent Gallup poll reported that Americans’ trust in a variety of civic institutions has fallen to historically low levels. Results from that poll also offer some evidence that...
by William C. Duncan | Jul 15, 2022
Why Utah’s abortion law is being challenged in court Written by William C. Duncan In a 1977 article in the Harvard Law Review, U.S. Supreme Court Justice William Brennan issued a call to state courts to embrace a new role. During the first decades of Brennan’s...